Zoom H2n Handy Recorder User Manual

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Usage and safety precautions
  1. Zoom Handy Recorder H2 Manual
  2. H2n Handy Recorder
  3. Zoom H2n Handy Recorder Instructions
  4. Zoom H2n Handy Recorder Manual

Get ZOOM H2n User manual. Get all ZOOM manuals! Get ZOOM H2n User manual. Get all ZOOM manuals! Sign up to create an account Facebook Twitter. By clicking Create Account, you agree to the Company’s. Handy Recorder. Usage and saf et y precautions. SAFETY PREC AUTIONS. I n t hi s ma n u a l, sy m b o l s ar e us e d to hi g h l i gh t. Wa r n i n g s an d ca u t. Nov 04, 2013  The H2n Handy Recorder is the only portable recording device to come with five built-in microphones and four different recording modes: X/Y, Mid-Side, 2-channel surround and 4-channel surround. Other advanced features include automatic gain control and onboard MS decoding, plus effects like compression, limiting and low cut filtering. You can even use the H2n as a multi-purpose USB.

Individual instrument or vocal tracks are recorded on Digital Multitracks by connecting the channel Direct Outputs to the tape inputs. ApplicationsMultitrack RecordingThis example illustrates how Rac Pac may be set up for multitrack recording to eight tracks. The outputs from the Multitrack are brought back on the Stereo Returns (or spare mono channels if only one or two tracks are being recorded). Soundcraft spirit folio power supply. Press the switch to enable the +48V power to the MIC inputs on channels 1-10.DO NOT turn on the phantom power when using unbalanced mics which may be damaged by the voltage applied to pin 2 & 3 of the mic input XLR.Note: Mics should always be plugged in before switching the Phantom Power ON. A compressor is included on the insert of one of the vocal channels.


Zoom Handy Recorder H2 Manual

Usage and safety precautions
are as follows:
Somethingthat couldcauseinjuryor
Other symbols
Prohibited actions
Operation using an AC adapter
adapter with this unit.
ratings of outlets and other electrical wiring
a foreigncountry orotherregion wherethe
on the AC adapter, always consult with a shop
use the appropriate AC adapter.
Read battery warning labels carefully.
when using the unit.
Never open the case or attempt to modify the
Do not drop, bump or apply excessive force to

H2n Handy Recorder

Operating environment
heat sources.
splashing water.
Donotuse inplaceswith excessive dust or
AC adapter handling
outlet, alwayspullthebody of theadapter
Duringlightningstormsorwhennot using
plug from the AC outlet.
Use a specifi ed battery type. Do not mix new
atthesametime. When notusing the unit
H2n manual
batteries from the unit.
compartment and the battery terminals
Connecting cables with input and output
Always turn the power OFF for all equipment
Always disconnect all connection cables and
long time.
Interference with other electrical equip-
In consideration of safety, the
been designed tominimize the emission of
minimize external electromagnetic interference.
interference or that emits powerful electromagnetic
waves could result in interference if placednearby.
and the other
device thatuses digital control, including the
malfunction, corrupt or destroy data and result in
Use a soft cloth to clean the panels of the unit if
they become dirty. If necessary, use a damp cloth
immediately disconnect the AC adapter, turn the
the storewhereyouboughttheunitor ZOOM
address and telephone number.
•Windows, Windows Vista, Windows XP and
Windows 7 are trademarks or registered trademarks
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple
•The use of MPEG Layer-3 audio compression
Sisvel SpA.

Zoom H2n Handy Recorder Instructions

* All other product names, trademarks and company names

Zoom H2n Handy Recorder Manual
